Mother director Charlottesville knew nothing of plans son

Charlottesville –

The mother of James, Alex Fields, who is suspected to have been run on a group of protesters in the U.s. Charlottesville thought that her son to a meeting for president Trump. She did not know that it is a protest of far-right white nationalists.

James Alex Fields

James Alex Fields


“I knew that he was going to a protest march would go. But I try not to bother with his political views. There post I’m not. I’ve just helped with the move and I pass on the cat,” says Samantha Bloom in an interview with AP.

’Be careful’

Bloom warned her son even for riots. “I said he gently. And if there is objection would be that it in a quiet way to do it.” There were in Bloom earlier, no bells ring when her son was telling her about alt-right. She had not understood. “He said that the ‘albright’ was,” says Bloom.

James Alex Fields (20) was raised by his single mother after his father was also killed by a drunk driver just after Fields birth.

Field is suspected to have been run on tegendemonstranten who protested against the far-right mars. In addition a woman came to life and got dozens of people injured. Fields was arrested and on suspicion of murder.

