Israeli scientists have turned the aquarium water in a 3D scanner

Scientists from tel Aviv University and Ben-Gurion supported by their canadian and Chinese colleagues were able to solve the problem of inaccurate reading items 3D laser scanners. The method was very inexpensive, but effective.

According to the law of Archimedes for a body immersed in a fluid acts upward buoyant force equal to the weight displaced by this body of fluid. This is valuable knowledge and was used by the international group of researchers, make your 3D scanner from a cheap paddle and a water-filled aquarium. The principle of operation is quite simple: manipulator holding a scanned object, and then immerses it in a tank of water, pulls out, plunges again, doing this with constant speed. A special unit at this time measures the change in water level is the set of slices of a scanned item, and then transmits the data to the program, which brings together information and based on it makes a 3D model.

How should pomakov in the tank, even the object with a complicated shape, it is possible to achieve very great similarity of the original and created on the basis of the model. The possibilities of his method, the researchers demonstrated on the example of the figure of the elephant with a rider. Now the developers are busy refining method, after all, such a scanning takes a lot of time, in addition, there are problems with the detection of concave regions and cavities of the objects.

Israeli scientists have turned the aquarium water in a 3D scanner
Vyacheslav Larionov

