Stephen Colbert Visits President Trump’s (Alleged) Pee Tape Hotel Room


Stephen Colbert took viewers to a Moscow hotel room on his show last night. But it wasn’t just any Moscow hotel room. It was the room where President Trump allegedly had two sex workers urinate on the bed as a sign of disrespect to Barack Obama, who had previously stayed in the same room. And the segment is pretty nerve-racking.

By now you’ve probably heard about the alleged Trump pee tape that was filmed by Russian spies in the Presidential Suite of the Ritz Carlton in Moscow. President Trump himself has insisted it’s not real, pointing out in his defense that he’s “very much a germaphobe.” But as 2017 keeps getting weirder and weirder, more people are open to the idea that this mythical pee tape could be real. Other bizarre stories in the so-called Trump Dossier, first published by Buzzfeed, have since been confirmed.

Colbert is the first American TV personality to film the room since Trump allegedly made it rain in 2013. And without spoiling too much, I’ll just say that the bed is the least interesting thing about the whole segment. Not only does Colbert give viewers a glimpse at the perspective from sitting in the bed (you’re looking right at the Kremlin) he pulls a stunt that seems to get him in legitimate trouble with hotel security.

Again, I won’t spoil to much, but let’s just say the idea that there’s hidden surveillance going on in that room is more or less confirmed. That doesn’t mean the pee tape is real, but given just how bizarre everything in Trump’s orbit has been this year, it’s getting harder and harder to call the idea absurd.


