This Mercedes-AMG A45 has a separate tan


In the category “sportautootje with just a different color” here we have a brand-new Mercedes-AMG A45. The sporty hatchback is available in various colors, but beige, I have not yet seen before.

The AMG is implemented in Canyon Beige Metallic. A color with a supplement of 714 euros. A quick look at the configurator shows that the touch is just checking. Whether it really is beautiful?

The car in question is not of a customer. What you see here is a show models of Mercedes. The A45 is equipped with the AMG Dynamic Plus package, the AMG Night Package, AMG Aerodynamic Package and AMG Driver’s Package. A festival of packages. All that beauty costs a lot bom duiten. In Germany, where this showauto comes from, is the Mercedes-AMG A45 from 51.527 euros. With us, the fun begins from 66.366 euro.

Fotocredit: Mercedes-Benz Blog Passion

