Improving environmental performance will be almost 100% recycled!

Autodemontagebedrijven, recycling companies and shredderbedrijven ensure that used cars almost all can be recycled. Da’s best performance!

It is the good, nay, uitstékende side with the re-use of improving environmental performance in the Netherlands. Last year, 98.7% of the sloopwagens reused as reports ARN, in which the percentage relates to the weight of the cars. So was last year almost 57 million pounds of materials recycled. Last year, the percentage is still 97%.

Of the recycled material is 90% is actually reused. The other 10% is for energy recovery. More importantly is that the objective of 95% recycling target largely exceeded. Also good to know: the consumer (us) benefit from these wonderful figures because the recyclingbijdrage that you settle with the purchase of a new car goes down.

In 2017, this contribution is still 42,50 euro per car, but that’s in 2020 down to 35 euro.

Photo: an exclusive sloopcombo by @nvn1993, via Autojunk

