Psychologists: the Use of foul language makes you stronger

Professor of psychology Richard Stevens is one of those famous “British scientists” pleasing the mankind is a significant and important discoveries. He was awarded the IG Nobel prize for research on a Mat a few years ago and it seems that the success inspired him to new achievements in this field. Seven years ago, he proved that swearing reduces the pain threshold, and now was able to discover another important property of foul language.

The study involved two control groups of subjects under the age of 21 years. 29 people pedaled on a stationary bike and 52 young foul-mouthed by the age of 19 squeezing the expander. It turned out that torque pedals profanity was able to increase its capacity by approximately 24 W, and the compression force of the expander from those who swore when performing exercises, increased by more than two pounds.

Scientists have acted very humanely, allowing the members of “abusive groups” of the experiment to choose their favourite swear word, which the subjects used in the case that suddenly and painfully hit his head. The second group was forbidden to swear, proposing to use when training about cultural or neutral words describing the properties of objects, table, for example.

You can argue about whether we need such studies. One thing is clear: Stephen and his team, they certainly didn’t interfere — a few years ago they were given a grant to research a hangover, and for the past study of the Mat, they have already received a very good raise in salary in the form of an IG Nobel prize. And now did it again.

We have not discovered anything about what people didn’t know before — a modest winner, but we were able to prove it objectively and systematically confirm. This allowed us to establish that people have an intuitive matter, when they are hurt or need a burst of energy.

And don’t argue.

Psychologists: the Use of foul language makes you stronger
Vyacheslav Larionov

