iPhone 6 Plus caught fire in Florida

Alarming news came from Palm harbour, Florida — the iPhone 6 Plus, which was 2.5 years, suddenly caught fire, when the husband and wife slept peacefully.

The woman says: “My face was so close to the smartphone when it ignited and woke me up. Good thing I’m not sleeping soundly. The fire literally burst from the body“. Fortunately, Kyle, husband of the owner of the gadget, reacted quickly and extinguished the phone with Mikey. Any delay and the fire could spread to the curtains, says the couple.

Another man from the same street said that the battery of his smartphone ballooned, though the fire did not happen.

Apple is aware of the situation and have already put on the card women $ 750, which will be unlocked as soon as she returned to the burned-out iPhone 6 Plus.

