Boston Dynamics has shown catching the nightmare robot on wheels

In the network leaked video, which demonstrates new development company Boston Dynamics — wheeled robot called Handle. The video was filmed from the big screen in a closed presentation for investors.

Boston Dynamics is best known for his two-legged and four-legged robots, and the use of the wheel is a bold experiment. However, Handle was no less impressive and funny at the demonstration than her dog-robots.

Mark Reibert (Marc Raibert), founder and President of the company, described the robot as an experiment in the combination of wheels and limbs with dynamic balancing system. According to him, the use of the wheel is much more efficient limbs, although you have to sacrifice maneuverability on uneven surfaces. Starting the presentation mark Reibert, literally, declared: “This is the debut presentation of the robot, which is, I believe, is capable of preserving up to catch up with nightmares.”

Not yet officially presented the robot Handle looks like a cross between a Segway and a bipedal anthropomorphic robot Atlas, created by Boston Dynamics, too. Handle is able to carry heavy objects, optimally keeping the center of gravity and balancing on two wheels. Thus it can move on flat or inclined surface, on the ground with grass, and quickly turn around and dashing to jump over obstacles.

