What happened 31.01.2017?

Nokia and Orange have decided to work together to advance 5G network. Famous brand Caviar has presented a new “Putinian and Trumpion” based on the iPhone 7. The mobile-sink Kyocera Rafre not afraid, and even likes the soap. To play Conan the Exiles you don’t need a too powerful system.

Vice-President of Samsung still can be arrested. And the cost of Sony fell due to low demand for DVD. Project Cars 2 looks promising. Resident Evil 7 good sale. The Deus Ex franchise may be frozen indefinitely. The villain in Death of Stranding will play Mads Mikkelsen.

The Service “Yandex.Buses” will help you to find and buy tickets. LG showed a smartphone K-series in Russia. The Creator of “cloud” smartphone Nextbit became the property of Razer.

Maps.Me get hold of a smart search. ZTE ready to introduce a smartphone with battery 5000 mAh on February 3rd. Xiaomi Redmi 2 Pro is quite powerful.

Google delivered a beta version of the Android 7.1.2.

