Only suckers stairs in verkeersphishing

Only suckers stairs in verkeersphishing

Posted on 04-07-2015 at 9:34 by sir_smokalot – 33 Comments”

Typische phisher
Huh, verkeersfisting? Wasda?

Perhaps you know the feeling: you’re of the summer touring the countryside, and drive a little fast/sporty in the rest of the world (the undersigned is still waiting with excitement on what is to come after a few weeks in Greece per huurbarrel, where a zillion traffic cameras, but no filled/operative seems to be borne out by the fact that the locals usually enjoy rap over bark). Always exciting to see if that box come from abroad.

But once the holiday fun is done, and you have long and wide return to work sinks the ready knowledge. Handsome boy x weeks later and after a few thousand kilometres on unknown terrain even know exactly how hard he drove. That is fodder for scammers. Who is this a bit of a smart approach sends an official-looking document by post with a foreign bank account which pecunia paid should be, but scammers are usually not so clever and should operate with a file to e-mail addresses in which the recipient is enticed to an obscure link clicking.

We should hope that everyone to 10 can count all wick smells and all the alarm bells in the brain begin to ring (a foreign NATIONAL that from your registration immediately an e-mail address can be traced, uh-huh), but apparently there is still need for people to to warn. Well, there are also people who omrekentool need to provide their IBAN to remember, and moreover, it seems phishing is indeed to wages.

Betaalvereniging will the Netherlands throws, therefore, is but a warning: don’t throw e-mails about so-called in France, Germany or any other foreign ground traffic violations are simply away and avoid that by a large Nigeraan/Bulgarian is gephisht. Because that takes no receiver nice.

