So you make yourself a convenient bridge for in every garage

So you make yourself a convenient bridge for in every garage

Posted on 28-08-2014 at 17:08 by JordyS – 22 Comments”

DIY-brug voor in je garage
No money or space for a hydraulic bridge, but key you would like on your four wheeler? Then we finally have a solution for you.

If you are a regular what to your car verspijkert, then you look probably full of jealousy to mechanics that their bridge with a press of the up button. You have not, then it is a lot harder to the bottom of your scheurijzer to a extensive inspection to topics.

If you’re a bit handy with a welder, then you can do it yourself with a convenient bridge that you can use it anywhere. Buy some sturdy tubes, weld them together like in the video below, and you have after an afternoon of crafting an own bridge for next to nothing.

