Do a good deed and earn 10,000 euros

Do a good deed and earn 10,000 euros

Posted on 15-06-2016 at 20:55 by nicolasr – 40 Comments”

Doe eens terugvinden The only thing you need to do is a stolen Lamborghini Huracan to detect.

It remains a considerable risk. As a landlord of luxury and fast cars, there is a chance that you’re moneymaker is stolen. And exactly with that problem is the German toko Motion Drive. They have a beautiful black Huracan in the verhuurlijstjes and is therefore not reduced.

Already very annoying, but in the case of this German landlord much more annoying. They are a relatively young company and in a year’s time, therefore, this bull is nicked, but last year went sujetten off with a bright-red Ferrari 458 Italia. Which, incidentally, just before the theft, it is striking how often in the Netherlands was spotted. That Italian thoroughbred is never found, the Germans are afraid that their Huracan and the same fate is to be doomed. And not entirely unjustified, the thieves are pretty sophisticated work. So they have two GPS trackers disable know.

Well, everyone, eyes open. If you have the Huracan encounter, then keep driving on the right, don’t overtake then call the police and then take immediately contact with our eastern neighbours, they will be able to you, this 10,000 was sent to you. The last time he was spotted in the vicinity of Dortmund, but for the same money he drives now by pak-em-bite Axles.

Thanks to Joran for the tip.

