Did you know that Opel is the first car with wings built?

Did you know that Opel is the first car with wings built?

Posted on 16-06-2016 at 21:02 by MauritsH – 50 Comments”

Wist jij dat Opel de eerste auto met vleugels bouwde?
In 1928 the Germans were already far and away ahead of the curve. Get acquainted with the special Opel RAK.1 and its successor.

This “recordmonster” was powered by no less than 12 rocket motors, that the beast in an attempt in 1928 to a heart-pounding top speed gifts of up to 75 km/h. In the first half of the interwar period, people were apparently afraid that a car at that speed the air would fly, and so was the RAK.1 equipped with small wings on the underside of the carriage. Thus, the necessary downforce generated to get the thing safely to the ground.

As far as we could determine, this is the first car with wings was fitted to ‘m better to the road. That flappers do indeed suspect that the engineers initially thought that the top speed is higher, but we appreciate the effort absolutely.

Opel RAK.2
Opel RAK.2

Luckily for him, Opel not throw in the towel, and the same year was the Opel RAK.2 ready for a big session low flying. This version did with 24 rocket motors, a large spoonful on top. With no less a person than Fritz “Raketenfritz” von Opel behind the wheel and pulled the thing on 23 may 1928 to a fine of 230 km/h. We see the Sergio Marchionne not do it yet.

To this powerhouse (the RAK.2) on the ground to hold, the wings were a lot bigger and clearly more shaped like inverted airplane wings.

Porsche 550 RS Spyder

Only much later would the wing z were doing in motorsport. It is believed that this Porsche 550 RS Spyder from 1955 as the first racing car was equipped with a (prominent) wing, which is also adjustable. Still later would Chaparral and Lotus to make sure that downforce is definitively his entry into the sport did, but that history deserves an article in itself.

Photos: Rak.1, Rak.2 and the 550 RS Spyder.

