The British car industry flourishes as never before

The British car industry flourishes as never before

Posted on 15-08-2014 at 14:23 by sir_smokalot – 20 Comments”

Range Rover assemblagelijn
Some people say that the ‘British’ car industry, sometimes better, for it has stood, but is that so? Qualitatively, there are the last few decades, great leaps, and also in terms of sales numbers do the Brits not bad, either.

We use it in the heading in quotation marks because, secretly, actually not a single British company more truly British: Bentley, MINI and Rolls are in German hands, JLR is Indian, and Aston Martin is largely from the Italians.

MG is Chinese, but let’s disregard that, as well as margemerken as Lotus, Morgan, Westfield, Caterham and many other specialized small and lightweight-manufacturers such as Ariel, Radical, Ultima and Caparo. Yep, those are all British.

MerkVerkopen 2013Verschil t.o.v. 2012

Jaguar – Land Rover425.006+ 18,8%`

MINI305.030+ 1,2%

Bentley10.120+ 18,9%

Aston Martin4.200+ 10,5%

Rolls-Royce3.630+ 1,5%


Comes together, maybe there’s not so much volume from the United Kingdom, but are all cars that matter, a lot of models in the higher echelons are iconic. Of the above list actually produces only MINI a (small) part outside Great Britain, in Born and Graz (Austria). Aston Martin released the Rapide in Austria to build, but in the meantime, roll this in Gaydon, the back of the band.

What is also striking is that the British did very well to get in on a very small scale car manufacture, in contrast to, for example, Germany, that the of the bulk. Germany went Wiesmann, Gumpert, Melkus, Artega is already on the bottle, on the other side of the channel, is in this respect much less a battlefield (TVR is dead, and Bristol is not much more to life, but also the small industry still pretty upright).

Summary: the great British players have their production mostly on the island left, which especially is made possible by the pricing of their products. This is a relocation of production to low-wage countries is not necessary. But remember that the Porsche Cayenne is also largely in Slovakia is created, there is not always a necessity needed for a productieverhuizing.

Even though the possession of the industry from the fingers slipped, a benefit to the British jobs or the jobs that have remained, and that to come. What that will in countries such as France, with an eye jealous to that rosbieffen on the other side of the channel looked to be.

