LOL! Belgian agents must be re-driving lessons

LOL! Belgian agents must be re-driving lessons

Posted on 08-04-2016 at 12:16 by MauritsH – 24 Comments”

LOL! Belgische agenten moeten opnieuw op rijles
The police in the south creates too many chunks, and so the time for training.

In 2015, produced vehicles of the national police of Belgium (both striped trucks as well as semi-anonymous cars as well as engines) but less than 808 of accidents and that goes minister of the Interior, Jan Jambon, a bridge too far. He wants agents to be trained.

The strange thing is that Belgian media report an average of 7 collisions per day where police vehicles are involved, but if we 808 dividing by 365, we arrive at a very different number. In any case, got the bangers, the Belgian state together, or 1.1 million euros. And there is nobody happy.

The local union has little confidence in the plans to agents to schools. They advocate for basic training in ‘defensive driving’. Why that is anything other than training, you may tell us about it.

Photo: mistake! Via Autojunk

