The new rotary engine from Mazda; it would may be

The new rotary engine from Mazda; it would may be

Posted on 12-04-2016 at 13:43 by rynnus – 40 Comments”

Mazda RX-Vision
New patents reveal the updates, including the addition of a turbo.

With the unveiling of the Mazda RX-Vision, it was also by Mazda itself – already spoken about the return of the wankel engine. Since 2012, would that namely the neck to be turned at Mazda. But do not mourn, the Japanese have an ingenious design signed, which, fortunately, we can enjoy of a rotary engine.

Maybe not for everyone right away, but below you can see a layout drawing of the wankelmodel, with the most important update is the turbo. Also, the engine was reversed, so that now the muffler on the top side. This is the road to the attached turbo very shortly, which again results in a better gasresponse and some extra power. Smart. The bollebozen below you can find the complete patent download.


Also, with the advent of the blazertje, of course, possible to meet the emission requirements continue to be met. There was the Mazda, after all, to do. Let’s hope that this ‘m actually is, then it would be that good-looking RX-Vision (more or less) a real Mazda RX.

