How to Activate an iPhone SIM Card: 7 Steps – wikiHow

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You just got a new iPhone, but have no idea how to activate the SIM card? This guide will help you to fix this problem quickly and with ease.


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  1. 1
    Check that you have a NANO sim. If not, you can request your service provider to send you a free nano sim for the same mobile, if they provide it.

  2. 2Take hold of the pin (personal identification number) that came with the iPhone.

  3. 3
    Go to the right side of your iPhone. Locate a tiny hole and push the pin into the hole (don’t push too hard and don’t apply too much force).

  4. 4
    Wait for a Sim tray to pop out. Pull the tray completely out.

  5. 5Insert your card inside the tray and push the tray back in.

  6. 6Switch on the iPhone.

  7. 7
    Check that the sim works. If everything is performed as stated above, your sim should be ready to use.

