Video: Libyan boy drifting in the sandbox with Ferrari 458

Video: Libyan boy drifting in the sandbox with Ferrari 458

Posted on 08-05-2014 at 11:06 am by JordyS – 9 Comments”

Libisch jongetje drift met Ferrari 458
Drifting with a Ferrari 458 continues for almost everyone, an impossible dream. This Libyan boy of at most twelve years old, the thing that matter a lot better for each other.

Although his peers are probably still building sandcastles in doubt about the boy not a moment if he has the red 458. It costs him, in spite of its length very little effort to the car from his place and there is an option to ‘drifting’ on an open stretch of sand.

That is brave, since you are also in Libya until your eighteenth, your driving license can get, and this young man was just have to be patient before he gets onto the road. In addition, manage the not everyone of the Ferrari 458 to keep under control. Watch the video on

UPDATE: Holy repost, Batman!

