Video: is this the meanest car-prank ever?

Video: is this the meanest car-prank ever?

Posted on 04-07-2014 at 11:29 by sir_smokalot – 19 Comments”

Babyboomer is boos
If it is their car going to be able to people quite emotional. Two gym-billy’s used these science and pasted ‘schadebriefjes’ parked expensive cars where nothing was going on. Camera there and laugh but.

OK, the guys who playing jokes look like prototype inflated douchebags, but the psychology behind their action is interesting: the text on the stickies that they are on cars, the paste is fairly badinerend in the direction of the rich owners of the cars, to their irritation, still a little extra to excite.

So many people, so many comments. Takes the psychology also in a way that people really damage going to see that there is not? Check it out below HERE.

