Charging of electric cars on the streets 60% more expensive

Charging of electric cars on the streets 60% more expensive

Posted on 16-06-2014 at 22:51 by MauritsH – 75 Comments”

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Cheap the battery of your car is charging is not there any more, thanks to Maxime Verhagen.

The former minister of Economic Affairs seemed like a good idea to stop with the subsidizing of electric charging points. Now tip in (charge)push comes to show that on 1 June the costs have increased by 60%. Stichting E-laad, is responsible for most of the public charging stations, is, after all, forced the costs to the customer to calculate. The maintenance and the purchase of the poles have to balance it somewhere to be paid. All in all, the market for electric cars and plug-in hybrids, according to The Hague apparently sufficiently stimulated. Somewhere, this is understandable, the subsidy tap after all, one cannot forever remain open. In addition, the current bijtellingsvoordelen maintained.

Provider Flow Charging says it intends to use their charging stations at the customary rate to continue to maintain. In addition, remains for the time being, cheap to you, Tesla, Prius or Porsche at home or at work to charge.


