Audi kills the owner’s manual with eKurzinfo

Audi kills the owner’s manual with eKurzinfo

Posted on 12-08-2013 at 19:52 by ricardo – 28 Comments”

Audi eKurzinfo
Paper is not only happening in the media world hard to disappear, even in the glove compartment of your Audi is not a long-term documentation to find more. Booklets and manuals are going digital, and in Ingolstadt, they do that in combination with augmented reality.

Audi began some time ago with the eKurzinfo app for the A1. A smartphone tool that 65 the basic functions of the PoloDeLuxe premium city car will be interpreted by the camera of your smartphone to target. The app then brings the necessary information that you want to know in image. Augmented reality, or augmented reality.

The creators of this app, Metaio, the app is now updated and the number of features extended to 300 for the Audi A3. It seems to simple to work: crank the eKurzinfo app on, point him, for example, on the temperature gauge, and he explains what it is through text, and 3D animations. Under the hood can eKurzinfo then designate where the koelvloeistofreservoir.

Yes, you, as a self-proclaimed 1st an automotive technician has such eccentricities, of course, not necessary. You scroll now, after all, also not in the handleidingspaperassen. But for automotive n00bs and women in general, this can be a way to quickly to discover what a auto may be, or what that light in the klokkenwinkel means.

The app is currently available in English, German, and Japanese. An Android version and we have not yet encountered, for iOS users, he can be downloaded HERE.

Uitlegfilmpje on
Video: Audi eKurzinfo maakt papieren instructieboekjes overbodig

