Widened A15 today officially opened

Widened A15 today officially opened

Posted on 04-02-2016 at 18:26 by jaapiyo – 18 Comments”

Thrice hurrah, the ‘concrete jungle’ is again extended!

Glad tidings to you today from the Hague, or from 010, that depends on how you want to view. There is more asphalt is added in the Netherlands, where we have our beloved cars can exhausts. Earlier today opened the minster of Infrastructure and Environment Melanie Henriette Schultz ‘130‘ van Haegen-Maas Geesteranus officially the widened A15.

Aim of the work was to improve the flow of traffic and reducing traffic jams in the area around the Rotterdam harbour. That the traffic there a bit of good continue to roll, of course, is extremely important for the economy of the country, there still trucks and employees every year several millions of costs in lost time and efficiency.

Somewhat less happy with the way things are will also cementgigant Ballast Nedam. The project is the largest that Rijkswaterstaat ever at one time has been put out to tender and Ballast has almost vertild. As always, walked the actual cost (around 1.3 billion) for the project is much higher than originally estimated, and that burden was almost too heavy for Ballast Nedam. Finally, and this is according to RTV Rijnmond led to the acquisition of the company by the Turkish Renaissance Construction.

But then, the motorist, often in these parts is this will all be worst if he/she is that beautiful image sees; a highway with space in order to blow it up. Take that, boomknuffelaars.

