Video: this Jetta VR6 has 14 cylinders

Video: this Jetta VR6 has 14 cylinders

Posted on 14-06-2014 at 13:43 by MauritsH – 24 Comments”

VW Jetta VR6 en W8
The idea is brain-damaged and brilliant at the same time. Take a Jetta VR6, demolition of the back seat out and spoon in that gaping hole a W8 block.

A handy artist had some time and built this monster. The VR6 that the front is equipped with a manual transmission and drives the front wheels. The W8 makes use of a vending machine and let his trappelende horses loose on the rear axle. To the quantity of smooth collaboration are the two motors linked to the same drive-by-wire system. Driving is a matter of the automatic transmission in drive, the manual gearbox in his one and a large dot gas.

Although the car from inside is hardly to recognize, it seems the exterior is unchanged. Only the huge side pipes that betrayed that this was something very special. And despite the fact that this sleeper there is less polished than, for example, this twin-engined MTM is extremely clever that the author there a whole. Watch and listen HERE.

