So test EU in the future releases

So test EU in the future releases

Posted on 22-03-2016 at 17:54 by CasperH – 9 Comments”

PEMS: het nieuwe testapparaat dat de wereld moet redden
The EU is busy developing new ways to bring the emissions to be measured. But will this new method work at all?

With the equipment that you have on the back of this car looks (called PEMS) test the EU will soon be the uitstootcijfers of cars. By on the public road to test a more realistic test result achieve, so that consumers a fairer impression of what their car emissions. Besides, this testing as an extension on laboratory tests, and will be the joint results of the tests a certain value.

Sources within the EU to report that for years, and it was known that cheating was. It was, according to these people, just a matter of time before someone in the ice, would bags. The way Volkswagen Dieselgate eventually came to light surprised these (anonymous) sources, however. “I was amazed at the stupidity with which one tried to cheat in the United States,” said one of the five employees was interviewed by Reuters news agency. According to the same sources, it was a big mistake to the regulations in the hands of the industry section of the European Commission, while in fact it is in the hands of the environmental branch.

Or the PEMS, however, the problems in question. The equipment produces much less stable results because there are not in a controlled environment is tested. For example, the emissions of a car vary due to external factors such as the surface, the weather and the traffic in which driving a car. So the question is whether the outcome of such a test, however, a fair picture outlines.

Critics are also of the opinion that an independent body should find that the control will perform, such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States. The European Commission has a double interest: clean air, but also a lot of selling European cars. And the lobbykracht of the car is (as large employers in the major European economies) is enormous. In short: we seem to have a half year after the beginning of Dieselgate still not able to have a decent control to get off the ground. Will be undoubtedly continued.

