Eerdmans goes Rotterdam verkeershufter confront

Eerdmans goes Rotterdam verkeershufter confront

Posted on 29-05-2014 at 8:11 by CasperH – 11 Comments”

Omstanders heffen kwaad hun vuisten richting verkeersaso in Rotterdam
The Rotterdam alderman of safety Joost Eerdmans wants a hard-nosed approach of verkeershufters in 010.

In Rotterdam drive too much verkeershufters and that is Joost Eerdmans, a former Member of the Dutch parliament of the List Pim Fortuyn) was a thorn in the eye. The alderman therefore wants a tougher approach, and a direct confrontation with the effects of loutish drive. Especially in the summer months there would be on main roads in Rotterdam are problems with aso’s who, for example, a lot of hard drive. There are several points where a lot of violations are made and Eerdmans has now agreements with the Rotterdam police on targeted controls.

In addition to fines would No like to see that offenders are confronted with their own behaviour, for example by a time when ready-about to work in the district where they have their offense have been committed. “I want the districts to withdraw, and the people there aware of what, for example, to hard drive with other road users,” says Eerdmans against the AD. He is trying to figure out whether this is possible in the future. The feasibility of such a plan seems to me (regardless of how noble the idea may be) is unfortunately small, as someone who is in a manner of speaking, from the province of Friesland must come for such a trajectory a comparatively much more difficult to implement the punishment if someone from Rotterdam itself.

Eerdmans works for his initiative, together with the Dutch Institute for road Safety (NIV). Or he also the misconduct of Rotterdam outside Rotterdam wants to address is not yet known. What do you think, would this approach be feasible, and if so, would it work?


