“130 km/h provides for hazard air quality”

“130 km/h provides for hazard air quality”

Posted on 05-02-2016 at 8:31 by MauritsH – 78 Comments”

Death and destruction, on the Friday morning.

Although the increase of the speed limit to 130 km/h on various highways for many people, the good news is, it depends, not always the flag. The air quality would be around these highways in jeopardy, according to researchers from both TNO as RIVM. These parties vehicle also seriously doubt that minister Schultz, the right has to say that, with the air quality around these roads, nothing is wrong.

Research carried out on behalf of Schultz pointed out that the air quality on the stretches where the speed goes up, despite a slight increase in 2 micrograms of NO2 per m3 still complies with the European standard of 40 micrograms per m3 of air.

The GOVERNMENT is clearly not agree with it and speaks of outliers up to 8 micrograms per m3. TNO seems to be also skeptical because of the recent dieselschandalen and the increase of the number of files. Milieudefensie is, of course, the stelligst disagree with the comments of the minister, and claims that it is impossible to be on every street corner, the air quality measure, writes the Volkskrant.

