Two riders of the road beaten in Tour of Flanders

Two riders of the road beaten in Tour of Flanders

Posted on 05-04-2015 16:21 by ricardo – 50 Comments”

Whoa. It was Johnny Hoogerland all over again.

With over 100 kilometres to the finish line New Zealander Jesse Sergent (26) just got in the breakaway of the Tour of Flanders. There came a suddenly end when a neutral car from Shimano as a retard alongside came a bend to the left. You know, such a bend where riders the ideal line. The Skoda Octavia on Dutch plates stopped there, obviously not in mind, and tapped to overtake the rider of the Pull of the road. Jesse was with a broken clavicle in the direction of hospital drip. Check the images on

Within 30 kilometers, the weather was touch, with again a Skoda from Shimano. Frenchman Sébastien Chavanel rode at walking pace along the side of the road, waiting for the sports director’s car of FDJ. That sports director’s car stopped ok, but the Shimano rider behind could not at the time of braking. A rear-end collision in which Chavanel was launched it was followed. He loved it, fortunately no major injuries. VIDEO.

Hey Shimano, next week during the Paris-Roubaix but with the following vehicle to participate?
Shimano pls

UPDATE: Alexander Kristoff has RVV won. BMW connoisseur Niki Terpstra was second.

