Tesla is all iPhone with the Model 3 in EN

Tesla is all iPhone with the Model 3 in EN

Posted on 20-03-2016 at 19:01 by perry_snijders – 45 Comments”

Tesla Model 3
Rows for the door, tents and sleeping bags in the parking lot, the stores that open at night: the Model 3 is coming.

This week showed Tesla the Model X to see in Tilburg. We went there to take a look, but saw little. Tesla-gekkie Vincent Everts danced there in a grass green suit continuously hyperactive around the car and of course we wanted the Enzo Knol of babyboomend the Netherlands not to interfere in his megabelangrijke activities, so to the car we drove is barely looked at. And after Everts me two times to almost knock out slapped with a door I thought it would be nice. Does not, because Wouter has the deurenspektakel of the Model X in Geneva already been demonstrated.

But in addition to the Model X, there is soon more great news from Tesla. The brand presents the Model 3. “I’m used to quite a lot in terms of silliness,’ said country director Benelux Kim Liebregts. “I’ve started at the Tesla Store in Eindhoven when that is our only location. That showroom is tiny, the cars flew out the door, and there was so much interest that we sometimes have that only once up and down the street could offer as a test drive.’
Now Tesla multiple stores and the Model’s now a normal appearance, it is madness to have passed. But that comes back with the Model 3, she says. “There are already people who are informed or they have a caravan on the parking lot of a store because they’re necessarily the first to order. And not one; a lot of people want to order as soon as possible. That is why our store on 1 april from 5.00 pm. The presentation is via a live stream to follow, and right after that we have 50 people waiting for orders to take. I also think that we all need.’
That people don’t walk all with a Model 3 to the outside, but actually only with the right to buy one. ‘Keep it, it is pressure. I hope it’s not out of hand. Or well, a little may be best, but not too bad.’

