NATIONAL throws 200.000 flash pictures way

NATIONAL throws 200.000 flash pictures way

Posted on 09-03-2016 at 18:06 by nicolasr – 32 Comments”

But before you start cheering, only of foreign offenders.

It was already longer known, our boetefabriek from Leeuwarden does not like hard work. The Dutch number plates can be automatically scanned and without that there is only 1 person something for having to do so, fine will be issued and delivery to your door. Nice and easy.

How else is that if there is a Pool, a Brit or a Romanian is flashed. That happens quite frequently, especially 200,000 times, is evident from the figures. The computers know which attributes do not, so you have to manually search for the name of the driver. “Yes, but that seems to be very much on working, we have no meaning in” you will hear the fine-officials think. So they have the photos but thrown away. 200,000 units in total-I repeat yet another time. The average fine that is issued is 60 euro, so the state is by this slackness of at least 12 million lost. I find a lot of money.

The sleuths of RTL News have these numbers at the top table. Since 2013, they were already doing, but the ministry of ‘Justice’ remained but to get the hot knitted heendraaien. First, the data is lost, then there was a privacydingetje (then and there), and after persistent nagging of RTL, the data is eventually found.

The chief of Justice, minister of Ard van der Steur gives reluctantly agreed that the situation is ‘not completely fair’ is relative to drivers with Dutch registration. But a solution, he does not know 123.

He hurries to say that more than 700,000 infringements of foreigners have been fined. Except Germany, Belgium and Switzerland also France automated data exchange, there are special treaties signed. But manually, not. That’s going to be your net-koffiedrinktijd off, of course. They should, indeed, not want.


