Video: BMW M5 Hamann is failing hard with Belgian drift

Video: BMW M5 Hamann is failing hard with Belgian drift

Posted on 06-05-2014 at 8:04 by CasperH – 25 Comments”

BMW E60 M5 fail video
At a car event in Belgium, a BMW M5 driver in the error. You will only have to be as innocent bystander.

During the Haspengouw Tour in Belgium, who last Sunday took place, were a small 50 exclusive cars available. In the video there is a BMW E60 M5 with tuningpakketje of Hamann. Apart from the fact that the thing magnificent sounds however, there is little to be positive about: the driver seems to be aware of a small drift force but is too slow with the catch of the back, which he in the direction of the spectators on the inside of the bend, shoot.

Drifting is hard to learn, our tip to the driver of this M5 is simple in nature: try not to learn between two crash barriers, which consist of car enthusiasts. That poor girl and her friend almost had a new set of knees needed thanks to this driftfail. Happy running one and the other one is good. Oh, and also the spectators could know: drifting platform BMW’s are dangerous.

View the driftfail from two different angles through this video and this video.

