The IRS Says It Stopped a Hacker For Once

The IRS Says It Stopped a Hacker For Once

Somebody tried to hack into the IRS last month, but don’t worry because the tax man caught them. Nice!

Hot on the heels of a very public outage that may or may not have been a hacker, the IRS sent out a press release explaining that somebody else attempted to break into their taxpayer database in January. The release states boldly that the agency “identified and halted an automated attack upon its Electronic Filing PIN application on” Confusingly, it also states that IRS “identified unauthorized attempts involving approximately 464,000 unique SSNs, of which 101,000 SSNs were used to successfully access an E-file PIN.” Where the would-be hacker got all those social security numbers is unclear. But the most important thing, emphasis ours:

No personal taxpayer data was compromised or disclosed by IRS systems. The IRS also is taking immediate steps to notify affected taxpayers by mail that their personal information was used in an attempt to access the IRS application.

So if you get a random letter from the IRS telling you that an unnamed hacker has your social security number, there’s not much you can do about it. It’s entirely possible that the stolen data being used to hack into the IRS was the same data that was stolen from the IRS in 2015. But hey, at least the IRS is halting the hackers who maybe already hacked them. That’s a welcome break from the agency’s tradition of super shitty cybersecurity.


Image: Getty


