Where would you 200,000 euros in your car hiding?

Where would you 200,000 euros in your car hiding?

Posted on 30-09-2013 at 18:28 by ricardo – 62 Comments”

We dare to say that there is almost no hiding place in your car where the Customs are not aware of. But imagine that you a quick 200k lost should your vehicle is, where do you stop it?

A 33-year-old driver from Hoogezand walked Friday against the lamp during a major control on the A37 in Emmen. A megafuik where the Royal military Police, Customs, Tax authorities and the German police to cooperate, so then you know it well, in terms of screening of cars. In this case, smoke a agent a strong choice to suit everyone in the car of the suspect, which was proceeded with a comprehensive search. There was no drugs found, but 191.000 euro (!) that was hidden in the roof. Further specifications gives the police do not, so we assume that it is behind the roof lining was stuck. Creative.

The money and the car in which he drove his seized, on suspicion of money laundering. Because yes, it is as an underworld figure or criminal patjepeeër increasingly difficult to get your hard earned money even a little bit decent to hide. After all, police dogs smell the stuff. But what if you for the choice was, what would you choose as a place? The seats of an Audi A6 are already disapproved.

Photo: archive photo of the bust

