Video: stranded off-road vehicle drown in the encroaching sea

Video: stranded off-road vehicle drown in the encroaching sea

Posted on 17-07-2014 at 15:41 by JordyS – 14 Comments”

Opel Frontera verdwijnt in zee
If you plan your off-road vehicle for a strandtocht, know well that the best is to look at your last ride may be.

A British Vauxhall Frontera rider saw his 4×4 will not be back, after the car was swallowed up by the encroaching sea. How it came? Owner Paul Redfern reed with his daughter along the coastline from Brean Beach, until it turned out that the beach was very muddy and he couldn’t go on.

The man from Bristol stepped quickly to the coast guard to warn. They tried with might and the Vauxhall on time get away, because it was not for nothing soggy on the place where the car stopped. At high tide the water stands a few metres high. The called rescue vehicles were, however, stay away, because otherwise they would sink in the sand.

The amount of lifeguard could unfortunately not prevent the Vauxhall full cup under went and swallowed up by the water.

