Video: retro-policeman indicates Cadillac of Al Capone

Video: retro-policeman indicates Cadillac of Al Capone

Posted on 18-07-2014 at 15:33 by sir_smokalot – 10 Comments”

Sometimes there are gems from the history of cinema that you can’t let it lie. This uitlegvideo from 1933 about the 3.5-tonne Cadillac of Al Capone is one of them.

Where nowadays, especially the modern villains in the form of rücksichtlose despots and/or wealthy business people with a lot of enemies with armored equipment to transport, was Al Capone one of the first owners of a large armoured car. Hipster Already did it 80 years ago, before the cool was, so to speak.

His souped-up Caddy walked according to the juut about 180 per hour and has had many inches of heavy armor, making his cuppa as much weight as a G63 6×6 today.

The video, in which the bromsnor dressed in three-piece suit and hat under the other’s clandestine loeisirente demonstrates, comes from Pathé Classics, that we have already been spoiled with the sexy party that the British car show in the 70’s. (via)

