Video: 7-year-old girl pulls huge burnout

Video: 7-year-old girl pulls huge burnout

Posted on 12-10-2013 at 11:32 by sir_smokalot – 10 Comments”

Killer burnout, brah
Because you’re never too young for your first set of tyres on to smoke.

Children who, according to the noble teachings of the petrolheadisme be raised and the basic lessons of the hoonage with the spoon-fed, we can only applaud. In Oceania they lift the things like to go to a higher level, such as we see here with a 7-year-old Australian girl that her children’s feet even on brake – and accelerator pedal of a souped-up Holden park.

Such antics of course you can only do that if there is an adult next to it, and so is her father (?) there on the front passenger seat. But is this true? It is, after all, quite easy to the back of the Monaro to convert d.m.v a crane, and also a set of row-instructeurpedalen is not unthinkable.

Anyway, the images are there not less of it. Check them on d awwwwjunk!

