Caught out: the first fully electric Rolls-Royce

Caught out: the first fully electric Rolls-Royce

Posted on 18-07-2014 at 13:47 by sir_smokalot – 16 Comments”

Rolls-Royce elektrokarre
No, not that Ghost… a Little further to the right like.

After all the hustle and bustle of the Festival of Speed is Goodwood-field completely empty again, but that does not mean that nothing happens. A number of youthful children could let off steam on a zelfbouwproject that a kart had to lead. Since you are a group of 9-to 11-year-olds, not so much to expect and helped Rolls-Royce they are a little on the way.

The kart that came out looks as if someone somewhere in the demolition of a grille on the head has tapped this in pieces, sawn, and him first a kart has stuck, and that is probably also true, with the difference that this one probably directly from the onderdelenbak in Goodwood. Here without the need for the police not to interfere with the shredder scenes.

Would Rolls the experience of this IET Formula Goblin to bring in its first electrified vehicle, when it may come?

Gallery: Rolls-Royce Formula Goblin elektrokart

image Rolls-Royce-elektrokart-001.jpg
image Rolls-Royce-elektrokart-002.jpg
image Rolls-Royce-elektrokart-003.jpg

