Breaking: irs draws Spykerveiling back

Breaking: irs draws Spykerveiling back

Posted on 07-07-2014 at 9:42 by sir_smokalot – 36 Comments”

Spyker P2P Concept
Just reached us of the message that the online auction of various Spyker-lots is withdrawn. The assertion of Victor Muller that the Tax is paid so it seems to be correct.

Last week there appeared an online executieveiling in which a large part (perhaps the whole) Spyker inventory was offered in behalf of the belastindienst. Spyker CEO Victor Muller responded directly that this is a misunderstanding based and the claim has already been met. Also in the days that followed he continued with his lecture: Wednesday, paid only the tax payment was not yet in his system, said Muller last Friday in an interview with BNR Nieuwsradio.

Now seems to be seemed to Muller to speak the truth, the auction Troostwijk Auctions has just been taken offline. For the enthusiast, it remains so to fantasize what to do with the 85 Audi V8 blocks would do, because for now they remain just in Zeewolde.

A cat has nine lives, Victor Muller has 900.

