Video: Jaguar shows the new XF a balancing act in London

Video: Jaguar shows the new XF a balancing act in London

Posted on 25-03-2015 at 20:02 by MauritsH – 18 Comments”

Jaguar XF koorddanser
After all, you need something to attract the attention with the introduction of a new model.

As announced would Jaguar their splintertjenieuwe XF with a koorddansstunt introduce. Well, that’s successful. The Brits (or Indians, if you prefer), there is indeed no grass grow and chose the Thames in London as the backdrop for this playful action.

The new sedan laid up to 240 metres (according to Jaguar recordafstand) over a set of wires of 3.4 inches thick. Of course were both car and driver with an extra set of ropes, in addition, there was a boat in the water for the case, something is very wrong.

Still a nice stunt, that en passant shows that the new XF is not only on the asphalt feel at home.

Jaguar XF koorddanser screenshot

Gallery: Jaguar XF 2015

image Jaguar-xf-2015-01.jpg
image Jaguar-xf-2015-02.jpg
image Jaguar-xf-2015-03.jpg
image Jaguar-xf-2015-04.jpg
image Jaguar-xf-2015-05.jpg
image Jaguar-xf-2015-06.jpg
image Jaguar-xf-2015-07.jpg
image Jaguar-xf-2015-08.jpg
image Jaguar-xf-2015-10.jpg

