Video: gas station attendant crushes raiders

Video: gas station attendant crushes raiders

Posted on 27-07-2014 at 15:17 by sir_smokalot – 24 Comments”

Call it sadistic, but it does do many great pleasure to see how the roles in a robbery be reversed. This gas station attendant makes short work with a few of these lowlifes. Oh, did we mention that he is a multiple MMA champion?

What we see through the eyes of a security camera is a classic jack move on a colleague of Mayura Dissanyake, a cashier at a gas station in Houston, who in his spare time to Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). Mayura is in no doubt and shoot with someone else his colleague to help. On the images it is good to see which of the two martial arts are doing, and who is not. Every blow of Dissanyake is touch.

In the words of Method Man: bring the pain. This beautiful piece of straatrechtvaardigheid see you on autojunk.

