Venlo, the VVD alderman does for 10 mille to taxi rides [updated]

Venlo, the VVD alderman does for 10 mille to taxi rides [updated]

Posted on 13-03-2015 at 14:47 by sir_smokalot – 24 Comments”

Joe le taxi, b*tch, joe je taxi
Receipts-stir in Limboland. Again… In the backyard of Jos van Rey and declaratiekoning Mark Verheijen are right wing politicians are now under a magnifying glass put, with the following results: alderman Stephan Satin (Venlo), turns out last year by 9,200 euros on taxi rides.

Under the guise of ‘stirring where it stinks’ popped 1 Limburg on the receipts of the local politics, and was alderman Satin from Venlo from the pond. The best man makes each year to 7,000 to 10,000 euro to use expensive taxi services, as even last year, when the counter is on by 9,200 euro came out. This mainly pertains to rides from his home to work or another appointment in the city.

High price

Despite the high costs, there seems to be no question that a live-work-taxi is used, look at the number of rides. We quote:

Stephan Satin made in 2014 in a total of 185 trips with the taxi that the municipality is governed, it is evident from the L1 requested rittenstaten. 48 of these rides appear after verification by the municipality of private. After the review by officials has Satin these rides, it is paid in arrears, for a total amount of over 1000 euro.

Remains, previously mentioned by 9,200 euros about 138 trips, an average price of 67 euros. Is that not what a lot, mainly for short trips? We called the municipality of Venlo for clarification. Unfortunately, it was Satijns spokesperson for the entire day are not available (gee), but we knew from the fleas that the alderman do not have a car.

In that light, the sounds, the lump sum is a lot less bad, because a little bit of official car be costing you a lot more. On the other hand: the man lives in Fields, outside of Venlo, and may yet be for his own transport in the direction of his work seems to us to be so. You and I should just arrange it yourself. The defence of the municipality in this matter is that Satin is a very important portfolio, and deputy mayor.

In addition: how to organize the co-councilors of Satin to their carriage? They declare considerably less, but have neither a car.

Statement this afternoon

Like I said, we came to the church not much further, but was informed that there later in the afternoon, a statement follows, in which it is explained. We are curious to know.

Update: According to the municipality of Venlo, there was little wrong with the Satin-made taxi rides. That one alderman more mileage than the other is, in many cases, inherent in the portfolio of the relevant gemeentebestuurder. In the currently in force regulation is not (or no longer) recognized that taxi rides within the city boundaries are compensated, but in the upcoming regulation that will again be the case. This is what Venlo regard to the stocking.

Photo: Roll-Royce Phantom Uber-taxi, credit: Car and Driver.

