Top 5: iphone with a car be run over

Top 5: iphone with a car be run over

Posted on 03-07-2013 at 21:58 by sir_smokalot – 44 Comments”

Insult to injury: een steen onder de glasplaat
On a device that you 6 to 700 euros it costs, and where you hard without can, most people are very economical. But not everyone is. See what happens if you have an iPhone with a car overrijdt.

I love not so of the unnecessary demolition of utensils, whether it’s Toyota’s in Top Gear, or new gadgets. In the name of science, however, something must die, either by a blender, or on the other hand.

In the house of Smoke is not Apple phone, but I have to admit that the thing is usually in comparison to its competitors as very solid off the bus. However, everything has its limits, also has an iPhone 5.

If you ever look on the bright idea you get your own copy with a solid car to run over, please be my guest. If you still what to have remains to be seen. In the following videos you can see how in five random cases to:

And so shall it be your smartphone with a protective case around it (v.a. 12:00):

