The 5 thickest werknemersbonussen from the German car industry

The 5 thickest werknemersbonussen from the German car industry

Posted on 25-03-2015 at 13:01 by sir_smokalot – 30 Comments”

Maak paars
Still looking for a job in the auto-indstrie, but the CEO is a bit overzealous? You can be the best for the following brands to go to work.

If you sail close to the wind is kind to your plant floor personnel a part of your prosperity funds. In addition to a nice gesture, this is also a good motivator to be in the new year for the shoulders. In the next 5 fabrikanen you’re good, provided you are in permanent service are:

1) Porsche – 8.600 euro
Just made Porsche well known some 14 600 of its worldwide 22.400 employees with a thick extra benefit of 8.6 mille to rejoice. This sticking it to the extent known any other manufacturer’s equivalents.

2) BMW – 8.365 euro
BMW kicked the 8.140 euro of last year, still a piece up. A nice compensation for it every night screaming waking up after nightmares about the 2 Series Gran Divorces you the day before in each other, have screwed, but whether the therapy sessions will pay is the question.

3) Audi – 6.540 euro
Even though they are almost the largest premiumfbrikant in the world, the werknemersbonussen sit for years in the doldrums. In 2012, there were 8.030 bonuseuro’s, last year this was adjusted to about 6.900 euro, and go here now a pair of green flaps. But hey, free money. Question for the fun of it look at a Peugeot-worker how much his bonus this year amounted to?

4) Volkswagen – 5.900 euro
As already treated.

5) Daimler – 4.350 euro.
Hekkensluiter in the list is the hardest premiumgroeier of last year, Daimler. Little skinny, isn’t it? Especially since CEO Dieter Zetsche on a hair after the bestverdienende German manager. On the other hand, we know the primary conditions of employment at Daimler not, that can be a lot of (and more) to compensate.

To e.e.a. in perspective: Ferrari gave to its employees in 2013 to €4.096 bonus. The fees for 2014 have yet to be announced.

