Sauber comes with statement, throws mud #Giedogate

Sauber comes with statement, throws mud #Giedogate

Posted on 18-03-2015 at 18:05 by MauritsH – 48 Comments”

The normally sober Swiss are asking and square public what GdvG inspired to with his statement from earlier today. Mwoh, we have an idea.

If you someone a coveted seat in Formula 1 promises and then doing or your nose bleeds and coolly two other drivers in the same (rather ugly) cars, then you have a chance that person #3 is pretty sewn feel. Sure is Van der Garde went home with a big bag goedmaak-euros, but the driver is sober enough to feel that his F1 career, there probably is.

At least, that was kind of the tenor of the lengthy statement that Giedo previously posted online. Fortunately, responding Sauber is a lot shorter and more concisely. The Swiss posted namely this:

Dear Sauber F1 Team fans,

Many of you read today’s statement on Giedo van der Garde’s Facebook page. So have we and we were, indeed, rather surprised. We don’t know about Giedo’s intentions. He may try to present himself as a winner, while we had actually hoped to come to rest after our agreement. Giedo decided to take a different approach – the reasoning behind we cannot understand.

We’d have very good answers to the many statements and accusations in Giedo’s post. But to expand on this wouldn’t help our race team nor our fans and partners. It would only encourage a mud fight via the media and we will not lend ourselves to that. The next race in Malaysia is where our focus is and that’s where we will build up on last weekend’s success, together with our drivers Marcus Ericsson and Felipe Nasr. All our efforts are drawn to this objective.

With this in mind we’d like to encourage you to form your own opinion about what happened, however critical it may be. From our side, we herewith close the matter and look already forward to celebrating future achievements at the race track together with you.

Yours sincerely,
Sauber F1 Team

As to be expected, the Facebook- ‘reacreeps’ in the meantime, enjoy hacked on the statement of the renstal and it must be said: there is some rake, and especially the funny comments in between. Feel free to pick up a bag of chips and a pint, the spectacle will read you back here.

PS: True to the somewhat sneue #LetsRaceNotFight slogan at the top of this post, perhaps it was #LatenWeNietTeveelCoureursAannemenvoorditseizoen a better choice. Then it was our fellow countryman now, not in the monkey stayed and could Sauber z a € 15 million euro smash of useful things.

