GroenLinks wants windmills along 1150 kilometres of highway

GroenLinks wants windmills along 1150 kilometres of highway

Posted on 13-03-2015 at 8:58 pm by CasperH – 81 Comments”

Windmolens langs snelwegen
One does not know that those devices are particularly inefficient, ugly, and also life-threatening?

Of the 2300 kilometres of highway that we have in the Netherlands, according to party leader Bram van Ojik about half suitable for windmills along the place. Therefore, they want 1500 of that energy generators will be placed, in the future, good for the energy of 3 million households. It occurs, according to Van Ojik “cluttering of the landscape, and the limited nuisance to people. If the Van Ojik is they will be in the next ten years built.

Now we understand that in election time superhip is to convert to renewable energy, especially with the eye on the situations in Russia and the Middle East, the places where we now depend on for our fossil fuels. But that is not to say that your crap has to go uitkramen of course.

First: wind turbines are particularly inefficient. A solar panel gives a better return, so why do we throw our roofs and pastures filled with those things? Or an even better plan: construction of noise barriers in towns and cities with solar panels, and everyone wins. Unless someone this bridge wants to build, which is cool.

Second: how does the criss-cross through the Netherlands placing rows of windmills to make sure we are “cluttering of the landscape” to counteract, as Ojik claims? The only result of his initiative, I think, is that you will from each living room in the Netherlands somewhere, a windmill can be seen standing, as Captain of her sentence.

Third: wind turbines along roads are highly dangerous. That was already once on the A6 national trunk Road, where a molenwiek broke off and on the roadway ended up. And that is certainly not the only time that a windmolenwiek broke. So let’s not wind turbines put in places where they are potentially deadly accidents can cause. Put that cadavers just in the sea, if you so need.

Fourth: also, motorists enjoy the nature as they are on the go, who would want a bunch of windmills?

