Gases but! From tomorrow 130 km/h on part of the A12

Gases but! From tomorrow 130 km/h on part of the A12

Posted on 27-03-2015 at 17:45 by MauritsH – 35 Comments”

A12 via Gmaps
Mothers the woman can the youngsters now a few minutes early to set up, because on a part of the A12 motorway is the speed limit raised.

Bit for the good order: the amendment is tomorrow only, so do you love another day. The part of the A12 where the increase takes effect is located between Driebergen and Veenendaal and covers a distance of about 20 km. The limit of 130 km/h applies only if the rush hour lane is closed. If this strip can be used, with a maximum speed of a somnolent 100 km/h. Keep in mind.

Research would have shown that the process complies with national standards that have to do with matters such as road safety, air quality and noise. Of course, the load of the environment also play a role.

Photo via Google Maps

