Colombian women in seksstaking for better roads

Colombian women in seksstaking for better roads

Posted on 23-10-2013 at 17:41 by sir_smokalot – 18 Comments”

I did it all for the nookie...
Abstinence of the old in-out game is a tried and proven method of women to make something of their semi weddingbook to get things done. In a remote place in Colombia to do the ladies just this, because their men vertikken the bad road surface to be repaired.

The village of Barbacaos is located in South-West Colombia, here, to be precise. As you can see, not exactly surrounded by a lot of cities or highways.

At Reuters, they’re complaining that the 12 to 14 hours it takes to get to the nearest hospital, over a road that is strewn with potholes and bumps. Not exactly ideal conditions if you are is to give birth, for example.

As long as they are of their action, persevere, there are few births in the barrel, so if their men want more than just their monkey regularity of a beating will they get started to with a shovel and pickaxe.

In fact, this is the second seksstaking in the village: in 2011 took the women to the same pressure, but at the time they let themselves be fooled by empty promises that the road would be done. Now they are 2 years without result, hence their renewed attempt.

