Clarkson gave the producer a blow? Rest of season postponed

Clarkson gave the producer a blow? Rest of season postponed

Posted on 10-03-2015 at 22:12 by MauritsH – 72 Comments”

Leg het nog 's uit Jezza
Something tells us that here something very strange has happened.

In the first instance brought the BBC to the outside that there was a ‘fracas’ between Jeremy Clarkson and a not further to mention the producer of Top Gear. A remarkable choice of words, because why would you not simply speak of a (hoogopgelopen) disagreement or something in that style and is instead a term to choose from that are difficult to distinguish?

The reason that the BBC properly to the pot has rotated indicates it is very likely that Clarkson a body blow has been dealt to the aforementioned (male) producer. The exact how and why behind this clash is not yet clear, the BBC keeps the lips stiff on each other.

That the broadcast that initially this coming Sunday they had planned would be postponed we already knew, but now it seems that also the rest of season 22 until later on will be broadcast. If it broadcasts at least the pipe still.

Meanwhile, the internet is of course crazy. So there is already a real petition in the air that the BBC is encouraged to be the band with Clarkson to recover. The 50,000 statements of support are already almost reached.

Whether, and if yes, what are the consequences of this quarrel are going to get is, as yet, not with any certainty. Had it for a while, and clearly that Clarkson quite as sharp. Racist statements are (quite rightly) no cases where a station like the BBC have been waiting for, even if they are from the pen/mouth of a large and expensive star like JC.

On the other hand, is Top Gear the succesprogramma of the Uk broadcaster, and will the plug does not come out of the program be pulled. Since Clarkson the show for a large part contribute, we are very curious to see how this soap a fitting end can be given.

UPDATE: Jezza shows can be heard on Twitter. Together with May he bows himself over the question of what the BBC Sunday should be broadcasting. Conclusion: Films about brave Brits who stood against the Nazis. Oh boy.


