CBS figures confirm: brandstofverkoop 2014 takes off [updated]

CBS figures confirm: brandstofverkoop 2014 takes off [updated]

Posted on 28-07-2014 at 13:46 by sir_smokalot – 14 Comments”

Trade association Bovag reported this weekend that the brandstofverkoop the past 4 months constantly decreased. Of which act. The CBS is actually agree with them once, and it signals a downward trend, albeit over an earlier period of 2014.

For the first quarter of 2014 established the Central Bureau for Statistics, a marketing of 1.247 million litres of petrol and 1,750 million litres of diesel. This was a quarter earlier 1.333 to 1.879 million litres, representing a decline of, respectively, 6.5% to 6.9 %. The values are also the lowest of this decade, according to the overheidsstatistici.

Brandstofafzet in een grafiek

OK, so there is less fuel sold, but the question of whether this is due to tanktoerisme by high excise duty or fuel-efficient cars and less miles driven by everyone else to be answered. But in any case, the organisations ‘t even agree with each other.

Update – the TOYOTA is responding to the last paragraph:

as previously already explained, the dieselverkoop in the Netherlands is for the most part, depending on transport. Only 20% of the Dutch passenger cars is a diesel, which most of the business, and with a tankpas that only in EN works.

For transport, we have the Dutch, but especially foreign trucks with 1000 liters at the same time the tank is full able to throw and that not more to do here, but now for the Belgian or German border on the brake pedal. According to a country the economy would attract mainly the export (from Rotterdam, Aalsmeer etc); then there would be more diesel need to be refueled…

In addition, Belgian and German private individuals (where the dieselaandeel under cars is much higher is no longer in the Netherlands to refuel, because the price difference no longer exists or is reversed.

Furthermore, we hadn’t the decline in gasoline and diesel: partly explained indeed by more fuel-efficient vehicles, but then you will see normally a decrease of 1 to 2 percent t.o.v. the year before. Not 6 or even 8 percent. And especially not if the economy is growing. Petrol is also true that January 1 is indexed on the excise tax, while Germany and Belgium that have not done so; the price difference is so once again risen and even more individuals go to the neighbouring countries.

