Again: daytime running lights is not low beam

Again: daytime running lights is not low beam

Posted on 23-10-2013 at 14:06 by sir_smokalot – 73 Comments”

Meld dit gevaar aan uw lokale ANWB-vestiging
Two years ago on autoblog, but in the meantime, the seniorenclub also discovered: daytime running lights is bad, mmkay?

The problem with the daytime running lights is that it is a supplement to the low beam, but no dipped beam, in and of itself. Therefore, lights with daytime running lights (until you get the brake-horn) to the back of your car is nothing, what is not so useful is if you have a tunnel or when your visibility due to fog or other weather conditions (severe) is reduced.

We rehash it, but just, it is something that you are apparently easy to overlook. On the other hand: I do also always low beam, day or night, unless I’m superstoer feel, then only the mistpitten for. #swag #yolo

Photo: the concerned ANWB (P. J. at Kouwenhove call it disturbing news.

