A Aston Martin DB4 print, this man is the

A Aston Martin DB4 print, this man is the

Posted on 01-08-2013 at 16:15 by ricardo – 14 Comments”

Een Aston Martin DB4 uitprinten, deze man doet het
Patience of a saint, and a few rooitjes to material costs, that is what is needed to in your own garage will be a classic like the DB4 to be resurrected.

For the common man to own one of the roughly 1.200-built Aston Martin DB4’s a dream that is very far away. For the ordinary man, with a 3D mini-printer of Solidoodle (€340) is that dream closer to. Apparata.nl reports that New Zealander Ivan Sentchal from december of last year, his own DB4. How? However, by just becoming pieces of 10 by 10 inches and printed, and on a cardboard frame to paste. That model will eventually look like mold for a body of fiberglass.

A monnikenwerkje where he is all in all, still five years before you think you need. For after the with Autodesk 3DS Max modeled outside of fiberglass, there is still an interior to be built, as well as a set of windows. Find them but once.

The chassis he has, incidentally, already. That does now still serves as the frame of a Ferrari 250 replica. Or he is afraid to become the fugazipolitie we do not know, but the Nissan Skyline chassis will soon serve in this partly-printed Aston Martin DB4. As a source of power he seeks, moreover, something of BMW’s twelve-cylinders. Not bad.

It is also nice to see how 3D printers continue to penetrate the automotive sector. Even car manufacturers already use it in their faceliftprocessen. The developments of Ivan Sentchal you can follow on his site Replicadb4, but that site seems currently to lie.


